
We juice once a day.
I make it with carrots, something green and something fruity.
I like to add ginger.
I use a Breville Fountain Plus Juicer.
If you are interested in juicing watch the film, Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead. This is what kick started me into juicing.
We feel so much better since we started adding more fruit and vegetables to our lives.  The percentage of vegetables that we eat now is dramatically higher.
We buy what is in season.
I peel most fruit and vegetables before juicing unless they are organically sourced.

Juicing Recipes
Beetroot, celery, carrot and ginger juice
Beetroot, celery, tangelo, carrot and apple juice
Beetroot, celery, tomato, carrot, tangelo, apple juice
Tangelo pineapple apple carrot cucumber juice
Green Carrots Ginger Juice Recipe
Juicing Wednesday
Juicing: Orange, Green and Fruity
Red Hot Juicing
Another Red Hot Juicing Day
Juicing again
Fresh off the juicer baby
Juice made for Magenta
Citrullus lanatus

7 thoughts on “Juicing

  1. I make one big all-encompassing green juice (and I make a whole pitcher at a time to keep in the fridge for a few days), but I’ll have to try your combinations. Happy juicing!

  2. Am a happy morning juicer too. Although I must confess that I may sneak another juice or two in during the day. We have a glut of green beans right now, so green beans, apple, lemon, and ginger is my current fave. 😀

    • This is one habit I actually maintain! My morning ritual. One that I enjoy. Now if I could feel about exercise as I do about juicing life would be perfect!

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